Hot bending / bending steel glass is heated to the softening temperature by pre processing (cut into the required size) and then bending by self weight o苏州工程玻璃加工厂主营业务:夹丝玻璃,夹娟夹胶,压花玻璃,激光内雕,调光玻璃,车刻玻璃,热熔热弯,渐变玻璃,教堂玻璃,烤漆玻璃,隔断幕墙,深雕浮雕,UV打印彩绘,玻璃砖墙,智能镜子,屏风背景墙,山水画玻璃,千层深渊镜,工程玻璃,其它玻璃等提供报价咨询!" />
Hot bending / bending steel glass is heated to the softening temperature by pre processing (cut into the required size) and then bending by self weight or external force to make the required arc glass after natural cooling.
网址:http://shangsuo.net 地址:四川省成都市